3 Million People in the English convert to Islam simultaneously Subhanallah

3 Million People in the English convert to Islam simultaneously Subhanallah
3 Million People in the English convert to Islam simultaneously Subhanallah

Allah hu akbar a guidance that they get subhanallah , in the UK for the first time this year reached more than three million people , two times higher than a decade ago .
Reported by The Telegraph, Sunday (31/1), the increasing number of Muslims in the UK because of the many immigrants and high birth rates among Muslims.

According to data from National Bureau of Statistics, there are currently 3,114,992 Muslims in the UK. More than 1.5 million of whom were born abroad. The number of Muslims currently accounts for 5.4 percent of the population of England and Wales.

One of the four Muslims were aged under 10 years, indicating the high rate of births among British Muslims.

In 1991, the number of Muslims in Britain only 950,000, just 1.9 percent of the population.

Currently in some parts of London, almost half the population is Muslim. If this trend continues, it will become the majority of Muslims in the future.

Based on the latest statistics, Muslims now includes one of every 20 people in the UK.

The percentage of Muslims is the highest in Tower Hamlets, East London, with 45.6 percent. While his neighbor, Newham, 40.8 percent.

Largest Muslim population outside the capital there in Blackburn, Lancashire, with 29.1 percent of the total population.

A quarter of the population in Slough and Luton are Muslims. While in Birmingham and Leicester in number one-fifth of the total population.

Spokesman for the Muslim Council of Britain said: "These statistics show the diversity in modern Britain, and the necessity of this was reflected in every aspect of life, from employment at the management level to politics."

The Muslim population is expected to increase as a large wave of refugees heading for Europe from the Middle East and North Africa emerging from conflict.

There were 5,095 applications for asylum in the UK in October 2015 , one in ten of whom are from the UK

Source : http://www.mediainformasiislam.net/

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