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SIN 24 HOURS A WOMAN on Facebook |
Prologue: This article was made not to push the various parties, especially the woman. but so far the authors have not found the prohibition for a man displaying his picture on FB for not showing Awrat. So the discussion focused on the problems of Women, the author invites the men and woman to study this problem more deeply, so that the blessing of LIFE continues with us.IMPORTANT and hopefully we can take ibrah (Lesson).
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There once was a man Estella to the author, he agitated with the condition of "Women" which love reveals the photos on FB. looks so disappointed to see the reality that is happening among the womenfolk today with a low voice, probably from her heart of hearts, he said "I do not INTERESTED with women displaying a picture on FB, they should be more guard, not a potential partner IDEAL because YET CAN keep IZAHNYA (honorable) and let kecantikanya enjoyed by people who are NOT ENTITLED"
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A woman who appeared a picture of herself on the Internet may have violated the prohibition to not tabarruj and sufur. Tabarruj means a woman showed some members of his or her jewelry in front of strange men. While sufur is descry-revealing a woman's face in front of other men. Therefore tabarruj more general in scope than sufur, because it covers the face and other body.
Tabarruj forbidden in law based on verses of the Koran and the hadith, among others: "And you shall remain in your house and do not ornate and behave like people who formerly Ignorance." (Qur'an, Al-Ahzab: 33)
A woman who appeared a picture of herself on the Internet may have violated the prohibition to not tabarruj and sufur. Tabarruj means a woman showed some members of his or her jewelry in front of strange men. While sufur is descry-revealing a woman's face in front of other men. Therefore tabarruj more general in scope than sufur, because it covers the face and other body Tabarruj diharamkan dalam syariat berdasarkan ayat al-Qur'an dan juga hadits, antara lain: “Dan hendaklah kamu tetap di rumahmu dan janganlah kamu berhias dan bertingkah laku seperti orang-orang Jahiliyah yang dahulu.” (QS. Al-Ahzab: 33) Tabarruj forbidden in law based on verses of the Koran and the hadith, among others: "And you shall remain in your house and do not ornate and behave like people who formerly Ignorance." (Qur'an, Al-Ahzab: 33)
A woman who appeared a picture of herself on the Internet may have violated the prohibition to not tabarruj and sufur. Tabarruj means a woman showed some members of his or her jewelry in front of strange men. While sufur is descry-revealing a woman's face in front of other men. Therefore tabarruj more general in scope than sufur, because it covers the face and other body.
Tabarruj forbidden in law based on verses of the Koran and the hadith, among others: "And you shall remain in your house and do not ornate and behave like people who formerly Ignorance." (Qur'an, Al-Ahzab: 33)
A woman who appeared a picture of herself on the Internet may have violated the prohibition to not tabarruj and sufur. Tabarruj means a woman showed some members of his or her jewelry in front of strange men. While sufur is descry-revealing a woman's face in front of other men. Therefore tabarruj more general in scope than sufur, because it covers the face and other body Tabarruj diharamkan dalam syariat berdasarkan ayat al-Qur'an dan juga hadits, antara lain: “Dan hendaklah kamu tetap di rumahmu dan janganlah kamu berhias dan bertingkah laku seperti orang-orang Jahiliyah yang dahulu.” (QS. Al-Ahzab: 33) Tabarruj forbidden in law based on verses of the Koran and the hadith, among others: "And you shall remain in your house and do not ornate and behave like people who formerly Ignorance." (Qur'an, Al-Ahzab: 33)
From Abu Hurayrah radi 'anhu said: Messenger of Allah sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam said: "There are two groups of inhabitants of hell that I have never seen: people who carry a whip-like tail cow beating people with him and the woman who dressed but they are naked, berlenggak sway their heads swaying like a camel's hump. The women did not go to heaven and not get the smell when the smell of paradise could be smelled as far as so and so. "(HR. Muslim no. 3971 & 5098)
Women Apabilaseorang revealing picture yourself on the internet then where the essence of the hijab as al Haya '(Shame). As a true Muslim, certainly sister will think a thousand times to do so. Whereas Rasullullah Shallallahu'alaih wa sallam said which means: "Indeed, every religion has a morality and the morality of Islam is embarrassed" him another word; "Shame is part of the Faith and Faith place in Heaven".
Allah Almighty also makes obligation hijab as a sign of 'Iffah (refrain from immoral) in His word, "O Prophet, tell your wives, your daughters and wives of the believers:" Let them put out garments over their bodies'. That is so they are easier to be recognized, therefore they are not disturbed. And Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful. "(Al-Ahzab: 59) That's because they cover their bodies to avoid and refrain from bad deeds (sins), therefore "they do not disturb". Then the wicked will not disturb them. And the word of God "because they do not disturb" as a gesture that knows the beauty of the female body is a form of slander baerupa disorder and crime for them.Wallahua'lam
Pertanya then the last, Are you ready to DELETE BUTTON PRESSING in your FB (sister)? Because until we die to all the sexy photos and narcissistic that we upload on social media will be enjoyed by a man who is full of vice. That means that our sins will continue to flow. we ready to bear?
Ridhokah men who had been prepared by God to be your life partner? Because they are the ones who are entitled to the beauty that you have. let us contemplate and immediately take a decision.
May God keep us from actions that harm us and make us contemptible in the eyes of Allah ....
Aamiin .....
Source: riefalfatih.blogspot.com
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